Pepe LePew is On The Prowl

Have you walked out your front door recently and been accosted by the scent of skunk in the air?

Late January and early February are the “busy season” for the Eastern Striped Skunk when it comes to finding a mate. A male suitor will seek out a female in her den and attempt to convince her to “be his valentine”. 

If the female skunk is not impressed with the male’s advances, she will unleash the fury of her scent glands and give the male a “no” that will stick with him for days afterwards.

If this interaction happens under your deck, sidewalk, front porch, or storage shed, the smell is enough for you to say ENOUGH. Especially if you have an extremely popular female with many male suitors in your area. 

Convincing the female to leave your property and make her home elsewhere is important to ensure you are not “living” with Skunk smells in your home or yard between now through June when her offspring are grown. Next week’s post will explain how we manage to ethically and effectively serve the resident skunk an eviction notice and prevent them from returning.

Till next time…