Meet Cincinnati Area Raccoons

We know them as “Trash Pandas”, “Ringtails”, and “Masked Bandits”, but many are unaware of the habits and behaviors of the raccoons that frequent our neighborhoods and sometimes our homes.

Cincinnati raccoons are medium-sized mammals native to North America. They have a distinctive appearance, with a black mask over their eyes, a bushy tail with black and brown stripes, and fur that is mostly gray/brown. They have short, sturdy legs and front paws with opposable thumbs, which they use to grasp and manipulate food.

Raccoons are omnivores and feed on a variety of food items including fruits, nuts, insects, small mammals, and human-related food sources. They are highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, and urban areas.

In terms of denning habits, raccoons are opportunistic and will use a variety of locations as dens including hollow trees, rock crevices, and human-made structures such as attics, barns, and sheds. They will also sometimes make dens in the ground by digging a burrow.

Raccoons are nocturnal animals and will spend the day resting in their dens. They may also use their dens to give birth and raise their young.

It is important to note that raccoons can carry diseases such as raccoon roundworm, distemper, and rabies, so it is best to avoid contact with them and their dens. If you encounter a raccoon in your home or property where it is causing a problem, it is best to contact a wildlife control expert for assistance like Huntsman Wildlife.

*This content was created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence